ESRI Open Tools

Jan 21, 2016

IGIS goes to the ESRI Open GeoDev Hacker Lab at the University of California Berkeley – GIF on January 15th.  ESRI came to the GIF to demonstrate their open tools and data.  We were able to create free developer accounts at, with these accounts were able to create feature layers that could be used in webmaps, webapps, and mobile apps hosted by ESRI through ArcGIS online.  We also learned how to use these services with other open web mapping tools such as leaflet.  With a little javascript programming and patience it seems like the sky is the limit when it comes to what we could create with these tools.  In the future IGIS plans to develop a training on using the ArcGIS Online system to its fullest potential and some of the things we learned at this event will be included in the training as well.

Thank you to ESRI and the GIF for making this training opportunity possible.

By Shane Feirer
Author - Geographic Information Systems - Supervisor II