Working with Cal-Adapt Climate Data in R

IGIS is pleased to present this workshop as part of UC Love Data Week

University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources

A Zoom Workshop

Thursday, February 17, 2022, from 11:00am to 1:00pm

Registration is FULL

Please check back for a link to the workshop materials and recording.

Cal-Adapt is California's official go-to source for downscaled climate data. Most people interact with Cal-Adapt through the website, but Cal-Adapt also features an API which can be used to query and download data through programming languages.

This hands-on workshop will teach you how to work with climate data using caladaptR, a R package which streamlines the process of importing data via the Cal-Adapt API. Through short hands-on exercises, you will learn how to construct API requests, fetch data from Cal-Adapt as data frames and rasters, and manipulate the results for analysis and visualization.

Examples will showcase techniques for aggregating climate projections from multiple climate models and years, joining modeled climate data to other tabular data, transforming climate projections into more intuitive and actionable probabilities, and visualization through plots, maps, and R-Shiny. Data wrangling, analysis, and mapping examples will use the tidyverse, sf, tmap, and stars packages.

Requirements: The workshop will include hands-on exercises using R Notebooks, which require some very basic experience with R. Participants (especially beginners) are encouraged to use RStudio Cloud (free account is fine), which allows you to run RStudio in a browser. A RStudio Cloud project with everything you need will be shared before the workshop. Alternately, participants may complete the exercises using RStudio Desktop (setup instructions to be provided). Familiarity with climate data and Cal-Adapt is helpful but not required.

The 2-hour workshop will include presentations and short exercises, followed by self-paced practice where the instructor will be available for assistance. People who just want to get an overview of the workflow and run some sample code are welcome to drop off after the first hour.

Questions? Please contact the instructor Andy Lyons <andlyons at>.




Audience: Open to all.

When & Where: February 17, 2022, from 11:00am to 1:00pm

Zoom link will be provided prior to the workshop.

Cost: This is a free workshop.

Register: Full

This workshop is the result of a collaborative effort between UC ANR IGIS Statewide Program, the USDA-NIFA/NSF AI Institute for Next Generation Food Systems (AIFS), and Cal-Adapt. Support is provided by the Strategic Growth Council, USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (Hatch Project 1015742; Powers), and the taxpayers of California. Thank you.

For information regarding other upcoming IGIS workshops, please see IGIS training or contact Sean Hogan at