IGIS Goes to Bootcamp!

Jun 1, 2015

A little over 1 week ago ESRI and UCANR's IGIS program sponsored the Spatial Data Bootcamp for Professionals held at UC Berkeley.   At this Bootcamp we delved into the quickly evolving world of Open Source Systems, GIS, and visualizations.  These systems included QGIS, PostgreSql, PostGIS, Leaflet, and D3 to name just a few.  

As I worked with these new system I could not help but think about the different tools and resources that we could provide to the UCANR Network.  These tools could include custom web mapping and analysis, the application of the R statistical package and the python programming language to spatial data, or the use of D3 to create interactive visualizations.   In the future IGIS hopes to use these technologies to better extend UCANRs work and extension activities to the general public and to those within the organization.

If you'd like to know more about these new tools and techniques please contact me or others at the IGIS Program.

Shane Feirer

By Shane Feirer
Author - Geographic Information Systems - Supervisor II