About IGIS

Our Vision

IGIS envisions an ANR where all local and statewide research and extension programs integrate cutting edge geospatial tools into project planning, analysis, implementation, and communication.

Maps and data are central to ANR's research and extension mission. The IGIS Statewide Program is ANR's primary resource for geospatial knowledge and innovation. Geospatial tools and technology play a role in nearly everything ANR focuses on, from agricultural research and extension, to management of forest and rangelands, to community engagement. IGIS serves as a bridge and innovation leader for all local and statewide ANR programs, providing support for spatial data, tools, and analysis, and developing new applications of spatial data technology.

We support ANR and UC through:

  1. Training and technical support. Through workshops, webinars, office hours, blog posts, and technical notes we provide training and technical support on a range of topics from basic GIS instruction, web mapping, app building, remote sensing, applications of spatial analysis for different fields, webGIS, drone mapping, and working with spatial data. We also distribute GIS and remote sensing software licenses to ANR staff, and provide assistance with research proposals, and data management strategies. See our Training page, our Software page, our Office Hours sign up page, our Tech Notes page, and our Blog
  2. Project assistance. When training is not enough, our staff can work directly on projects for ANR Advisors, Staff, Specialists, and Faculty. We support a range of projects, including custom cartography, GIS and spatial analysis, remote sensing and image analysis, web mapping, mobile app development, GPS support, and GIS consultation. See our Drone Services page and our GIS Services page.
  3. Research and Innovation. Geospatial data and informatics are revolutionizing the way we do science and outreach. The technology is constantly evolving, as is the diversity and volume of spatial data. IGIS is a hub for ANR to access cutting-edge, transformative, and innovative geospatial technology. We apply our skills to a range of cutting-edge and collaborative research projects. See our Research and Innovation page.

Here are some examples of our work in Training , GIS Services , Research , and Drones. Refresh the website for more examples.

Future Climate Suitability Model of Western Blacklegged Tick in CA

IGIS examined suitable future climatic conditions for Ixodes pacificus (the primary vector of Lyme disease in the western US) and focused on public lands. PIs: Bob Lane and Maggi Kelly. Link

Agricultural Parasites and Disease Map

An interactive web map that shows how many trap cards have had Asian citrus psyllids (ACP) at the section level, and current ACP and current huanglongbing disease (HLB) quarantine boundaries. PI: Beth Grafton-Cardwell. Link

California Tree Biomass App

A webapp displaying tree biomass in California allowing the user to get statistics and download data. Custom built with ArcGIS API for JavaScript. PI: Carmen Tubbesing. Link

Client Services
What can we help you with?

Office Hours


GIS Services


Drone Services




Research Support