Graduate ?Certificate? in ?GIS approved for UC Berkeley

Dec 19, 2013


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Great news! 

The UC Berkeley Graduate ?Certificate ?in? Geographic ?Information ?Science ?and? Technology? (GIST)? has been approved. This certificate will provide? an ?academic? structure ?for ?an ?interdisciplinary ?exchange ?of? ideas ?around? geospatial? information ?and ?analysis. 

 Certificate? students ?will? not ?only? participate ?in? a ?cutting-edge ?program ?and? receive? explicit? recognition? of ?specialization ?in? GIST? by ?virtue ?of? the? Graduate? Certificate ?but? will ?be? well? positioned? to?compete? for?the? most? desirable ?jobs ?in ?geospatial?t echnology,? both ?in? academia? and ?in ?industry.

Requirements include at? least ?three ?courses, ?or ?a? total? of? 90 ?hours? of? instruction, ?and? earn ?a? minimum ?grade? of?, and participate in a GIST Roundtable (such as the geolunch series from the GIF). More details to be posted in the spring at