Introduction to ArcGIS Pro, November 15, 2024

University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources

A Zoom Workshop

Friday, November 15th, 2024, from 1:00pm to 4:00pm

Click Here to Register

Goal:  The goal of this workshop is to introduce you to the ArcGIS Pro software application and collections of online GIS data that are particularly useful for mapping and analysis of natural and managed landscapes.

Workshop Content:  This workshop is designed for participants with little to no GIS experience. Following a brief lecture, the workshop will include an interactive exercise that will have you loading, creating, analyzing and stylizing spatial data, while building your own map with ArcGIS Pro. This exercise will conclude with you exploring the various online data repositories that are available through ArcGIS Online. The following are some of the main tasks you can look forward to completing:

  • Explore ArcGIS Pro’s user interface, including how to load and visualize data, and some common geoprocessing workflows
  • Create new features and export them as shapefiles
  • Combine data layers for analysis or display purposes
  • Compose and export a map.
  • Explore ArcGIS Pro's integration with data repositories through ArcGIS Online

Pro Banner



  • UC Cooperative Extension
  • AIFS affiliates (including Davis, Berkeley, Cornell, U. Illinois, & USDA)
  • UC students & faculty
  • ANR SRA’s and Community Educators
  • Public and private professionals

When & Where: November 15th, 2024, from 1pm to 4pm

This is a virtual workshop. You will receive a Zoom link via email prior to the training day.

Cost: This is a free workshop.


Click here to register.  Note - This event may reach capacity, after which a waiting list will be created.

Registration priority will be given to UC ANR and AIFS affiliates.

Requirement: Participants must have ArcGIS Pro installed with an active license on their personal computer prior to the workshop. Sorry, this application does not function on Apple IOS or MacOS machines.

ArcGIS Pro - UC ANR affiliated participants can request a free ArcGIS Pro license through the IGIS Statewide Program by Clicking Here.

Non-ANR affiliates can sign up for a trial ArcGIS Pro license by Clicking Here

Please log into your ArcGIS Pro application in advance of the workshop to ensure that it is properly functioning.

If you have technical issues with your account, please e-mail your question(s) to Shane Feirer at

This course content is the result of a collaborative effort between UC ANR IGIS Statewide Program, the USDA-NIFA/NSF AI Institute for Next Generation Food Systems (AIFS), and the UC Berkeley Geospatial Innovation Facility (GIF).

For information regarding other upcoming IGIS workshops, please see IGIS training or contact Sean Hogan at